“Amore” The 1st ~ I got this tattoo when I was 18 (now 23) no touch ups biiiitch. It’s on my ring finger because I was determined to love MYSELF first & essentially marry myself first before anyone else could. My mom told me once, “You are the only person you can fully count on in this world so you better learn how to love yourself”. Five years later I FINALLY DID IT!!!! I LOVE ALL OF MYSELF: body, mind, soul & spirit. I want to help other humans do the same through my career(s) & hobbies in this lifetime. ~ Artist Cred: Tim at Firehouse Tattoo ~

“Dream Catcher” ~ This is a personalized tattooed version of a dream catcher I got from my now-deceased Papa years & years ago. Each of those gems represents the birthstones of most all of my family members. The feathers are ones of a red-tailed hawk which is the bird my Papa sends to my mother & aunts & basically all of us to let us know he’s there. *RYAN YOU HAVE SO MUCH PATIENCE, thank you for this one LOL* ~ Artist Cred: Ryan at Ultimate Arts Tattoo ~

“Cupcakes- Life Is Sweet” ~ Honestly? I won a contest at Bad Apple Tattoo & cupcakes are just a part of me so I had to get a free tattoo of em because…..why not?! It’s still my favorite one. ~ Artist Cred: Jeremy at Bad Apple Tattoo ~ “ Art n’ Rosie Memorial” ~ The rose represents my Nana, Rose & Nanu, Arthur, who have recently passed, Nanu on my birthday; Rest in Peace. I took photos of a rose I received from his casket & took photos of every angle possible. The tattoo artist chose the photo best photo fit for the job & worked his magic. It’s perfect & so bright. I wanted it close to my favorite tat because the two come so close…now they’re one! ~ Artist Cred: Stripe at Ultimate Arts Tattoo~

“Gemini” & “Puzzle Heart” ~ I love my z-sign what can I say? I’m very connected to my spiritual side. The puzzle heart is a BFF tattoo I got with my girl Kayla (Michaela). She moved across the country & we got these before she left. She’s my person & I hers. Fun Fact: One color doesn’t match up but we love it that way because it resembles our imperfections as humans & I ADORE THAT SHIT!!! ~ Artist Cred: Matt previously at Stay True Tattoo ~ Gemini ~ Artist Cred: Marc at Campus Ink ~ Puzzle Heart

“Diamonds” ~ This one is dedicated to my soulmate. We’ve been together for eight years & I loved him from the start. I found the design on a bag at Dollar Tree & it was perfect. I chose it because our song is Diamonds by Rihanna- laugh all you want but those lyrics got me through some shit & mean a lot to me. ~ Artist Cred: Ryan at Ultimate Arts Tattoo ~

“Family Tree” ~ It’s exactly what it looks like lol. This is a tattoo I designed & had an artist put their touch on. I’m the tree,” family” in my roots because they helped shape me into who I am today & continue to do so to this day. Purple leaves & water-color cuz color is the shit- DUH! ~ Artist Cred: Tim at Firehouse Tattoo ~ Tree ~ Artist Cred: Matt previously at Stay True Tattoo ~ Watercolor

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