This tattoo reminds me not to take time for granted. To experience as much as I can.

These cupcakes symbol my personality. Nice and Naughty.

I got this tattoo after I was done with treatments. It was to remind me I’m lucky to be here. However, the memory of the tattoo was tainted by someone. It made me sick to my stomach to look at it. So now it is no longer there covered up with a tattoo I love.

This is my cover up. It’s one of my favorite tattoos. It covers something I hated. Now it’s something I love. It’s colors are bright and vibrant. It’s a reminder that things change. Sometimes for the better.

I love this quote from Alice in Wonderland. I suffer from PTSD. It reminds me of all the people that stayed in my life through the bad times.

This clove was drawn by my niece when she was little. It was the second tattoo I ever got.

My husband drew heart on a piece of paper when I was in the hospital after I had been assaulted. I was crying and asked him how could he ever want me again. He told me he would always want me and would always love me. He drew this and told me it would be ok.

I got this tattoo after cancer treatments. So much happens in this life. We pass up opportunities. We forget to take time for ourselves. We forget to tell those in our lives what they mean to us. All we have is this short time to make it count.

I got this tattoo to remind myself it will always get better. After I was assaulted and diagnosed with PTSD..I was suicidal. In a manic moment I started to cut my wrist. So I could make it all stop. When I was in a better place I covered the scar with this tattoo. So when I would spin out after that it was a reminder it would be ok.
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Let's Talk Tattoos!