These don't have a ton of meaning besides i am a disney nut... and Jack and Sally reminds me of me and my man

This doesn't have a ton of meaning besides i am a disney nut.

My reminder to have faith over fear

This tattoo to me is a reminder that with all the darkness and craziness in my life, without it I would not be me and to remember without the dark we cannot see the light....the stars (good memories bring). The Consolation is my zodiac sign to personalize it more - being a cancer sign.

This tattoo has a lot to do with my back story - I went through a lot in my divorce and had a hard time really trusting or believing in relationships. Almost 2 years after my divorce, I met the guy I am seeing now, but he was going through a bad divorce when I met him. After 10 months of getting to know each other and dating, I knew he was the one and I wasn't someone that usually believes in soul mates. He felt it too, but was scared because of what happened in his divorce. He pushed me away and we lost contact for 5 months. I got this tattoo during that time because I knew it wasn't the end of our story. We lost each other along the way but came back together and have been for almost 6 years. I loved the quote "not all who wander are lost" because even when scared and dealing with stressful things in life, you can still find your way back to each other when it's meant to be - and you just fit together and work together so well. It is a daily reminder now of that, and how our relationship is stronger for that and all the stressful things in life that make you lose sight of things - family passing away or losing a job - that makes the wave in your path. It's my reminder of what really matters and what you want for yourself, to always keep on keeping on, just because there's a bump in the path, not all is lost.

This is a tattoo, I have with my sister as a reminder of our infinite bond and support for each other.

The sunflower tattoo is a 3 generation tattoo I have with my mom and daughter. The 2 blue birds by it are in memory of my grandfather on my mom's side because he had 2 Blue bird tattoos also..

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So I got this for when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming. It's one of my all time favorite quotes and a great reminder when needed

I am a huge Wonder Woman fan and what better to go by my unstoppable tattoo than her because she truly is unstoppable

To me, this tattoo is exactly what it means - unstoppable. A daily reminder for when I need it, to always have me going for goals and dreams because I am unstoppable.

The dreamcatcher is more than just a reminder to follow my dreams, but to dream bigger than the starts to dream without fear. It is personalized, just for me, because my all-time favorite flower at the top is a calla lily.

No other reason, except I love skulls and sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers

This butterfly is for my 3 kids with the anklet to match. Each charm has a meaning - 3 charms are for my kids. The 1st letters of their names - H, P, & G. And 3 other charms: A crab because I am a cancer zodiac, a skull because I love them, and an anchor to keep me grounded to home.

This tattoo is a hard one to talk about, but it's one of my most meaningful as a victim to physical and verbal abuse. I got this to remember that my story is not over yet, and that I am strong enough to make it through anything and even stronger for walking away from a bad situation, no matter how hard it is when you still love that person. But most of all, it was to remind me that I am so much more than I give myself credit for, and so much of my story is yet to come.
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Let's Talk Tattoos!